Tuesday 25 November 2014

Hoia-Baciu Forest - (World's Most Haunted Forest)

 UFO's, lost time, shadow figures, mysterious burns, the feeling of being watched, missing people, disembodied voices and an all round eeriness are some of the reasons why Hoia-Baciu Forest in Romania is locally known as: 

"The Bermuda Triangle of Romania".

Hoija-Baciu Forest:

Traditional rural homes near Cluj-Napoca
Deep in Romania lies the city of Cluj-Napoca, the second most populous city in the country. An old population centre, and considered the capital of the historical province of Transylvania, Cluj-Napoca is surrounded by forests and grasslands.

The locals enjoy their surroundings for the most part, enjoying all except for one forest – Hoia-Baciu.

From the beginning of recorded time in the region, the locals have held a fear of the forest, believing it to be a gateway between worlds. Mysterious lights can be seen shining within the trees, witnessed by those viewing Hoia from outside..

It is when people step foot within the boundaries of the forest that things really start to get weird. It is not too uncommon to feel a claustrophobic nausea, or the sensation of being watched while venturing between the trees and, at times, those who have visited discover unexplained rashes or burns to their bodies. The burning is generally not felt, but the redness and, at rare times, blistering, ensures theaffected places stand out. At first
The Forest
someone thinks they have maybe had a reaction to some plant life, but doctors soon tell them otherwise. The trees and other plant life are not immune to this either, as in some areas, they too show the effects of a long, slow scorching over time.

Other strange phenomena has occurred. A farmer/shepherd and a flock of some 200 sheep entered the forest and were never seen again. Soon after, the forest was known as "The Bermuda Triangle of Romania" (and even stranger as "The Bermuda Triangle of Transylvania")

Another phenomena seems to be "missing time". People have apparently ventured into the forest for a short time, only to exit and find search parties out looking for them. To them, only a few hours have passed, but for the outside world, it may have been several days. One story claims the reverse and that a young girl entered the forest and shortly reappeared, having aged several years.

A Close Encounter:

The 'UFO' Photo
In August 1968, the forest saw one of its more famous events take place. A 45 year old military technician ignored the warnings of the locals and entered the forest for a weekend away, with his girlfriend and a few other friends.

In the early afternoon he was collecting firewood for that nights warmth, when he was alerted by some shouting by his friends. He went back to join them, and what he saw was a low flying, bright object silently moving a little above the trees.

The object then began a series of rapid manoeuvrers, before shooting straight up into the sky.

This was not the first or last UFO sighting in the forest, and throughout the 1970's, Hoia-Baciu became the stomping grounds for a number of UFO researchers, and within time, a fairly famous photograph of an unidentified object was taken showing an object above the trees.

Note – several sources name either Emil Barnea or Alexandru Sift as the taker of the photograph, though most use the former.

In more recent times, and due to all of these strange legends, the forest has become a bit of a hotspot for any paranormal investigator, or person with a passion for the strange. Although the locals warn against it, these individuals or groups enter the forest in the hopes of experiencing the strangeness for themselves.

Although many are said to have felt the sickness, and a few finding the burns, their experiences are generally a little different from the general UFO/lost time phenomena.

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